IBS Companion


A balanced diet might be especially important for IBS patients.

Please talk to your physician to work out a detailed plan to manage your IBS. This plan may include using KijimeaTM IBS (Amazon). In addition, affected individuals are often advised to be careful about their diet. Common recommendations are:

Keep a diary of your diet
A food diary can help you and your physician find out which foods and which circumstances might contribute to your digestive problems. Record your eating habits and your bowel symptoms.

Eat slowly and in peace
Take time for your meals. Chew each bite thoroughly. Try to avoid swallowing a lot of air while eating. In addition, IBS patients often have problems digesting larger portions. Too much food in the digestive tract at once can trigger the typical IBS symptoms. Therefore, have several smaller meals a day so that less stress is put on the stomach and intestines.

Eat a balanced diet
To support healthy digestion, you should eat a balanced diet. Reduce your consumption of foods that contain many hardened fats. These include deep-fried foods, high-fat foods, and chocolate. Also avoid spicy foods. Eat more natural foods like fruits, vegetables, and salad. If you suffer from constipation, introduce more fiber into your diet. Fiber absorbs water and swells when in the large intestine. If you suffer from diarrhea and bloating, you may reduce your fiber intake as fiber can worsen these symptoms.

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Physical activity

Another recommendation for IBS patients.

Be sure to exercise regularly. Regular exercise also promotes bowel movement. Physical activity can act like a massage on the intestines. Incorporate more exercise into your daily routine.

The following examples can be beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome:

  • Digestive walks
  • Cycling
  • Jogging
  • Swimming
  • Aerobics
  • Yoga
  • Hiking
Bewegung bei Reizdarm


Some studies have shown that stress can also aggravate IBS symptoms.

Stress has been proven to cause changes in the gastrointestinal tract. This is mainly because (emotional) stress can lead to changes in hormone secretion and an increased production of gastric juice. We therefore recommend that people who have IBS consciously take measures to relax. Pay attention to effective stress management and allow yourself brief timeouts to rest.

The following relaxation methods may help you:

  • General relaxation exercises
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Autogenous training
  • Yoga
  • T’ai chi
  • Qigong
  • Sufficient and regular sleep
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©2025 Kijimea, Inc. | KijimeaTM IBS is protected by U.S. patent NO US 9,408,879.
This website is intended for visitors from the United States. KijimeaTM IBS is a medical food and should only be used under medical supervision. Individual results may vary. Please consult your physician before taking KijimeaTM IBS. The photos on this website contain models not IBS patients.